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Stem Cells


Stem Cells

Stem cells are gaining more and more importance in the regenerative medicine field. It is becoming a potential treatment for various diseases.  Our stem cells are mesenchymal derived stem cells from umbilical cord from a cGMP certified Japan laboratory operating in Malaysia for past 15 years.

Our stem cells are all passage 2 cells and we provide a certificate of analysis of the batch of cells administered.

Before administering stem cell therapy, we will run few blood test( including cancer markers and infectious nscreening) 
Book appointment with us now , to know more about how stem cell therapy can help you.

What are stem cells and where do they derive from?

Stem cells are “raw cells” of the body or mother cells in a lay man term. It is a special cell in a way , where it is undifferentiated. It is from this stem cells where all other daughter cells comes from. Daughter cells are differentiated, that means, they have their own specialized function in the body as brain cells, muscle cells, cartilage cells, bone cells, heart muscle cells, kidney cells or blood cells.

Stem cells are derived from mesenchymal stem cells which are found in umbilical cord, bone marrow and fat tissue. Of these, mesenchymal cells derived from umbilical cord has the most importance. It is the most primitive type of mesenchymal stem cells and has the greatest proliferative rate compared to cells derived from bone marrow or fat tissue. Mesenchymal cells from umbilical cord also has strong capacity of self renewal and able to turn to new type of cells in the body. It is universally accepted , no risk of rejection and less immunogenic.

Two main properties of mesenchymal stem cells are:

  • Self renewal – ability to self replicate, multiply into identical copies of themselves. The

    ability to duplicate exponentially over time, makes the stem cells to be effective over time.

  • Ability to differentiate – ability to mature into new type of cells according to body’s need

    and replace the damage cells. This is controlled by various factors such as growth factors and chemokines.

​​What stem cells do?

Stem cells promises regenerative capability through reduction in inflammation, modulating immune system and tissue regeneration.

1. For tissue regeneration and repair.
Stem cells differentiate into specialized cells in the tissue or organ, and it can replace the damage cells due to injury or diseases. By replacing the damage cells, it restores back the function of tissue, ligament, tendon, muscle or organ. Example: It can restore back heart muscle after a heart attack, restore back cartilage in osteoarthritis.

2. Reduces inflammation

Stem cells also have unique properties that attract them to inflammatory area in the body. Once there, it reduces inflammation surrounding the other cells by paracrine method or direct cell to cell contact. In direct cell to cell contact, the stem cells comes in direct contact with the inflammatory cells , gives information to the cells to alter or stop the inflammatory process. While in the paracrine method, from a far,the stem cells can send signals to other cells through chemokines, that changes how the existing cells behaves. In context of inflammation, it send signal to existing cells to stop the inflammatory process.

3. Modulates Immune system

Stem cells also takes part in the immunomodulation which means regulating or adjusting the immune system to achieve homeostasis. It helps the immune system to self regulate and adjust the immune response accordingly as physiologically needed. It prevents or stops the body from giving abnormal immune response. This makes stem cells a perfect candidate for autoimmune diseases, degenerative neurological conditions, prevent transplant rejection and in graft versus host disease.

Who can benefit from stem cell therapy?

Stem cells can delay disease progression, reduces symptoms cause by the disease and stabilize medical condition. It stimulates body’s own healing and repairing ability, as well as increasing quality of life.

How long it takes to see results?

After stem cell therapy, it takes time for the body to rebuild tissues and to restore back proper function. Usually it takes 1 month to start to notice improvement, and this response increases gradually month by month due to the self renewal ability of the stem cell. Patients able to continuously notice improvement for 6 months up to 1 year. The improvement rate also depends on the disease progression and the stage. In a study , was noticed, for some patients had continues improvement even for several years. While for some it was short lived and needed multiple stem therapy treatment to get the desired effect. So the duration and effectiveness can vary considerably from patients to patient.

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