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Image by Point3D Commercial Imaging Ltd.

RIFE Therapy


RIFE Therapy

Have you ever heard of Frequency Healing? If you have, then learn more about what it can do and how it can heal you .

If you haven’t then, welcome to the world of frequency medicine. Get to know about it now and let it transform the way how you look at healing.

The famous Nicola Tesla once said – “ If You Want to  find the Secrets of Universe , then think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration “

We are electromagnetic being. From Physics Law, each atoms vibrate , so do our cells, they vibrate too. And when vibrating, they send frequencies outside.

We are constantly receptive to energies and frequencies outside. Dr Royal Raymond Rife used this principle to create a frequency machine in early 20th century, which was later named after him – as the “Rife Machine”

What Rife Frequency therapy can do?

  • Stimulate Rebuilding and Repair of the body

  • It can reawaken dormant unhealthy cells to start functioning properly by sending healing frequency to that specific organs or tissues.

  • Increase the body’s communication and ability to fight off different diseases

  • Uses sympathetic resonance to physically vibrate offending bacteria, viruses and parasites resulting in their destruction and elimination from the body.

  • can potentially target cancer cells

  • Rife machines emit specific modulation frequencies intended to resonate specifically with cancer cells, disrupting their normal functioning leading to destruction of cancer cells.

Most significant advantage:

 It only targets harmful microorganisms while leaving healthy cells unharmed selectively. This characteristic makes them potentially beneficial for cancer treatment, as they could specifically target cancer cells without the collateral damage often associated with conventional therapies.


Contact us today to learn more about Rife Machine and how it can benefit you.

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