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Treatments to reduce side effects of chemotherapy

Conventional treatments to curb the cancer, undeniably does give out many reactions to the body . As it does not only kills the cancer cells but also has effects on normal cells. These are normal cells that is lining up digestive system, mucosal lining of mouth and gums, rapidly renewing cells like skin, hairs and nails, and even bone marrow .

So, you can see symptoms that is involved in all these systems.

Common effects 











Are you looking for ways to handle these side effects?

At Wellness Origin, we have the perfect ways to ease your symptoms and make you glide through your journey in combatting cancer smoothly.


Another major problem faced is the poor nutrient absorption in the gut. To overcome this issues, intravenous micronutrients and vitamins can be given to improve rapid and successful delivery of these vital nutrients into the cells.

By this way, we can help people having side effects from standard cancer treatments.

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