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Healthy Woman

Liver Detox


Liver Detox Treatment

Liver is the major organ that takes part in the detoxification of the body. In fact, it detoxes almost anything that the body considers as toxins. We are exposed to toxins on a daily basis.


Through inhalation – gas fumes, toxic industrial chemicals, hydrocarbons, aerosols, vapour, organic dusts, molds, and to some extent even perfumes.

Through skin contacts – chemical loaded personal beauty products, detergents , soaps for daily use, and many other non volatile chemicals.

Through GI tracts – chemicals in foods, pesticides, herbicides sprayed on food, preservatives, and processed foods.


Apart from external exposure, the liver also carries the burden to detox waste products that is generated during normal metabolism of body – such as organic acids, metabolic wastes in the form of nitrogenous waste products - urea, ammonia and also liver is responsible to keep hormones in balance , takes part in removing excess of hormones and its metabolites – example , estrogen metabolites.


These intermediate products are indeed harmful , can trigger various health issues, including cancer.


So, many of us think that , liver does this naturally ,and it doesn’t need help?

Yes , if it is not bombarded by all the external toxicants , liver does have the capability to handle on its own!

However if the load of toxicants increases day by day , this burdens the liver , it has to prioritize to detox the most harmful substance first and the rest later. This lag of detox function  and a sluggish liver can lead to health issues.


How to help your liver to detox ?

If you are concerned about your liver health, and want to proactively take action, you are at the right place! At Wellness Origin, we offer Basic and Advanced Liver Detox Programme to rejuvenate your liver.

How are we different?

Our programme is tailor made according to your health issues and not just “ one size fits all “

We believe everyone is unique in their own way . So we personalized the liver detox programme according to your own blood works and health issues.

If you want to know more, book a consultation with free bioresonance screening with us now.

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