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Integrative Cancer Therapies

The diagnosis of cancer can be daunting.

What causes cancer exactly? There are an unlimited number of carcinogens ( cancer causing substances) that we are exposed to everyday-this these can range from viruses to chemicals in water, paint, petrol fumes, industrial smokes, insectisides. In fact every new minute , new carcinogens are being listed.

Why only certain people gets cancer, even if everyone is exposed to it?

This is because of genetic predisposition( weaknesses) in the individuals detoxification enzymes and engines. Not everyone has the same speed of toxin elimination . God created all of us unique in our own way.

When toxins accumulate cells become overwhelmed, no longer able to defend themselves. It further leads to mitochondrial damage, power house of cells to produce energy. Which then causes mutation in the DNA. Cancer cells are metabolically primitive. They thrive in acidic environment and divides rapidly. Our immune system can no longer detect and kill these cancer cells.

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