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Sauna Room

Infrared Sauna


Infrared Sauna Therapy

Penetrates deeper into the skin – targeting the fat cells. It heats the body’s core, from the inside and removes toxins up to 20% compared to conventional sauna which only removes 2% of toxins. This promotes sweating at the cellular level.

Sauna Detoxification Using Niacin

Infra Red Sauna is a perfect way to detox heavy metals and toxins out from our body .Interestingly , there are ways to enhance this detoxification to get the best out of it. The great way is using niacin. So let’s understand what Niacin does . Niacin is a B3 vitamin, and it comes in various forms example, the flush version and the non flush version such as niacinamide .

For Sauna Detoxification purpose, we need the Niacin Flush version. It causes vasodilation and flushing sensation in the body . Vasodilated capillaries carries blood borne heavy metals, chemicals, toxins and increases the flow of these out from the body by transporting them to dermis layers of the skin for elimination via sweating in the sauna.

So, using a sauna while flushing , you can enhance the effect of sauna even while doing it for 20 – 30 minutes. This method helps to remove the toxins floating in the blood  more efficiently.

At Wellness Origin, we offer our unique 5 – Day Niacin Flush Sauna Detox.

The best thing is , after completing the 5 days niacin flush sauna detox, you will experience a significant boost in energy, stamina and clearance of brain fog.


Where to we get the Niacin?

- We will provide Niacin flush at our center before you enter the Sauna.


Do we have to take Niacin with empty stomach?

- No, preferably to take non fatty food before the procedure . Because fatty food can block niacin absorption and prevent the flush.


How long after taking the Niacin, will I get the flushing effect?

- Usually the flushing effect starts after 15 minutes of taking the Niacin. 


Do I enter the sauna right after taking the Niacin?

- We advise you enter the Sauna once the flushing effect starts . and it usually lasts throughout the Sauna period.


Can I repeat this 5 days protocol?

- Yes , after this 5 days protocol, you can rest for 1 week to reset your body, before starting the next round . Usually 1-2 rounds are advised.


Is there any pre requirement before the procedure?

- Yes, we recommend you to hydrate yourself well , drink plenty of water to ease up the detox.


Who should avoid niacin flush sauna detox?

- It should be avoided in elderly, children, pregnant ladies, people with cardiac issues, people with low blood pressure, dehydration.


  • Speeds up weight loss-  just a session of 30-45min burns 600kcal and 45 min session 3 times per week has proven to lose 4% of body fat in just 16 weeks.

  • Decreases inflammation and oxidative stress

  • Improves energy and fights fatigue

  • Improves sleep and is a perfect way to relax from stress

  • Also Increases insulin sensitivity and increases glucose uptake by cells.

  • Reducing pain and a good way to have long-term pain relief without medications.

  • Boosts mental function and it has a profound effect on the brain by increasing circulation and blood flow to the brain.

  • Great for heart functions. Sauna generally imitates moderate aerobic exercise, as the core body temperature elevates, heart rate elevates and you sweat, just like with aerobic exercise. Eventually, this lowers the blood pressure and the resting heart rate.


Who would benefit

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