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Modern Living Room

Hydrogen Therapy


Hydrogen Therapy

Hydrogen Therapy is a wonderful tool for whole body healing. At Wellness Origin we in corporate Hydrogen Healing Therapy into our treatments for various conditions. Molecular hydrogen has a small size, and it can easily penetrate and diffuse through various cell membrane to exerts its therapeutic effect. The initial peak or spike of hydrogen, with its activating effects on the cells, may last only an hour, but the protective effects of hydrogen continue for an extended time. 

There are many ways Hydrogen Therapy can be done:

  • Drinking hydrogen dissolved in water

  • Inhalation of hydrogen at low concentrations (1-4%)

  • Bathing in hydrogen water

  • Hyperbaric hydrogen chambers

  • Intravenous injection of hydrogen-rich saline

  • Increasing hydrogen production by intestinal bacteria. Turmeric, for example, has been shown to increase hydrogen production by intestinal bacteria.

Out of all these, the easiest way to enjoy the benefit of hydrogen is by drinking hydrogen dissolved in water and hydrogen inhalation. There are so many benefits rendered by drinking hydrogen water and doing hydrogen inhalation.

Benefits of Hydrogen Therapy:

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