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Image by Martha Dominguez de Gouveia

Removal of Heavy Metal


Removal of Heavy Metal

What are heavy metals? Are we exposed to them on a daily basis, the answer to it, will be a yes!

We are unknowingly exposed to large amounts of heavy metals every day, such as mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, aluminum, and so on. These are in the air that we breathe, in the water that we drink, and also in the food that we ingest.

Usually, it takes a considerable amount to build up first in the system, before it starts to show symptoms. This is true in the case of chronic exposure.

Why are the heavy metals bad?

Heavy Metals can cause a lot of health issues in our body. Mainly it interacts with other minerals and competitively binds at the receptor site of these minerals mimicking the heavy metal. Thus, the function of the enzymes is altered, and the biochemical process in the body gets skewed, in short, the body’s function gets stuck.

Heavy metals also induce a lot of free radical damage and oxidative stress in the body, which later leads to chronic inflammation and disease. It also can be lodged or infiltrated in body parts such as lead accumulating in the liver, bone marrow, and brain.

Can we get rid of these heavy metals from our bodies? YES!

There are various natural techniques, procedures, and supplements that can be incorporated into removing these heavy metals from our bodies. In fact, removing heavy metals is one of our fundamental processes in enhancing detoxification in the body.

If you want to know more about this, contact us at Wellness Origin.

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