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Feel the Pulse

External Counter Pulsation


 External Counter Pulsation

External Counter Pulsation (ECP) stands out as a non-invasive procedure designed to enhance blood flow, reduce cardiac workload, and offer relief to those with certain heart conditions. By using inflatable cuffs on the legs and lower body, this treatment increases blood flow to the heart during its resting phase, enhancing overall cardiovascular function.

Mechanism of Action:

  • Sequential Inflation: ECP utilizes cuffs on the lower limbs that inflate and deflate in sync with the heart's rhythm.

  • Enhanced Blood Flow: This treatment promotes increased blood flow back to the heart during diastole (or relaxation phase).

  • Coronary Perfusion: By increasing the venous return, ECP can help in opening dormant blood vessels, acting as natural bypass channels.


  • Angina Relief: ECP has shown significant benefits in reducing symptoms of angina pectoris.

  • Enhanced Cardiovascular Function: Regular sessions can aid in the overall enhancement of cardiac performance.

  • Improved Oxygen Supply: Boosts blood flow, thereby potentially increasing the oxygen supply to the heart muscle.

  • Non-Invasive & Safe: Being a non-surgical procedure, it reduces potential complications and recovery times.

  • Positive Effects on Endothelium: May aid in the production of nitric oxide, promoting dilation of blood vessels.

  • Better Exercise Tolerance: Patients often report improved capacity and reduced symptoms during physical activities.

Who Would Benefit:

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