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Cupping Therapy

Cupping is also practiced since ancient times by traditional practitioners from various part of the world.

The main way how cupping exerts its function is through improving the lymphatic flow in the body . There are many ways to improve lymphatic flow in the body. One of the main function is through cupping. Applying cups to certain points in the body has the ability to stimulate the lymph channels .

The terrain theory explained everything . The extracellular matrix , is the extracellular space surrounding the cells. It plays important role in carrying nutrients and oxygen into cells and at the same time carry waste products out from the cells . The waste products here, then channelled into the lymphatic capillaries which are abundant here . Most detoxification process fails due to inability to carry this toxins out. Cupping is one of the perfect measure to enhance the lymphatic flow in the extracellular space area.

Benefits of Cupping:

  • Provides muscle relaxation

  • Improves blood circulation

  • Improves lymphatic circulations

  • Initiate flow of toxins out from the body

  • Relieves lymphatic congestion

  • Reduces swelling

  • Strengthens immune system

  • Reduce oxidative street

  • Improves inflammation

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