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Acupuncture Therapy

Acupuncture is ancient Chinese Traditional Practice. It has been used since olden days for various benefits. It is done by an experienced practitioner using the knowledge of energy meridians in the body and flow of energy, or called as “chi”.

It mainly exerts its function through the influence of autonomic nervous system . The needle placement according to the acupuncture points has the ability to help the body to fluctuate more readily to parasympathetic mode from sympathetic mode. This helps the body to thrive than to survive.

Benefits of Acupuncture:

  • Helps in pain management

  • Improves digestive system

  • Promotes proper body metabolism

  • Helps regulate blood pressure

  • Maintains good circulation

  • Helps nerve conduction

  • Stimulates and modulates immune system

  • Helps reduce migraine symptoms

  • Helps in anxiety, depression

  • Improves fatigue and energy

  • Clears brain fog

  • Helps insomnia

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